Thursday, August 23, 2012


The most interesting thing I found out about sound was at the Middle Syndicate soundscape Room 8 told a story and we had to listen to them and you could almost see the story in your head even though we couldn't see them. I also thought it was interesting that your ear drums can pop if you hear a really loud sound next to your ear.

1 comment:

  1. To Sam,
    It is great to see that you learnt some interesting facts about sound. Because ear drums can pop that is why we have to be so careful with our ears because once we loose our hearing we can't always get it back. I know that I enjoy hearing people laugh and would miss this if I lost my hearing. What sound do you think you would miss the most if you lost your hearing?
    What loud sounds do you think people have to be careful of not being around for too long?
    From Mrs Head
